Veteran Socialist & Trade Union Leader Comrade Chitta Dey Passed Away

Chitta Dey चित्त डे 1928-2015 (Image: Aby John Vannilam, Mavelirajyam, CC-BY-SA-2.5-IN) Jalpaiguri (North Bengal): Chitta Dey, Special invitee of the national executive of the Samajwadi Jana Parishad and the convener of the Coordination Committee of Tea Plantation Workers, an apex body of 18 tea trade unions, passed away at Jalpaiguri , West Bengal on Monday, December 28, 2015. The 87-year-old had a cardiac arrest and died at home. Known for his simple lifestyle, Dey was one of the frontline union leaders to participate in important meetings on the industry. Our dear Chitta Dey passed away. JoshyJacob , National President, Samajwadi Janaparishad Dec 28, 2015 Comrade Chitta Dey (86) the senior leader and member of the national executive committee of Samajwadi Jana Parishad bodily left us today morning 3 o'clock at Jalpaiguri , West Bengal. He was leading the trade union of the workers of tea gardens of north Bengal. He was a senior leader of the H M S the central trade u...